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COYO Plug-in Adapter

Develop & Build

To start working, run the watch:build task using npm.

npm run watch:build

In another terminal tab/window, run the watch:test task:

npm run watch:test

These watch tasks make development much faster and more interactive. They will build and watch the entire project for changes (to both the library source files and test source files). As you develop, you can add tests for new functionality – which will initially fail – before developing the new functionality. Each time you save, any changes will be rebuilt and retested. Since only changed files are rebuilt and retested, this workflow remains fast even for large projects.

Auto-fix and format project

To automatically fix eslint and prettier formatting issues, run:

npm run fix

Generate your API docs

The src folder is analyzed and documentation is automatically generated using TypeDoc.

npm run doc

This command generates API documentation for your library in HTML format and opens it in a browser. Since types are tracked by Typescript, there's no need to indicate types in JSDoc format. For more information, see the TypeDoc documentation.


To generate and view test coverage, run:

npm run cov

This will create an HTML report of test coverage – source-mapped back to Typescript – and open it in your default browser.

Deploy & Publish

To create a new version, run:

npm run release:{patch|minor|major}

This will build a new release via standard-version and automatically run the following steps:

  • bumping version in package.json
  • bumping version in package-lock.json
  • outputting changes to CHANGELOG.md
  • committing package-lock.json and package.json and CHANGELOG.md
  • tagging release

Finally, push your changes via:

git push --follow-tags origin master

The CI will automatically publish the tagged version to npm and also redeploy the documentation at https://coyoapp.gitlab.io/plugins/adapter.

Generated using TypeDoc